Friday, November 27, 2009

Touch of Evil

The movie Touch of Evil was about corruption in the Mexican safety and protection department. Mike and Susan Vargas had just gotten married and were in Mexico when they witnessed a murder. Vargas offers to over see the investigation while his wife gets transported to a hotel a while a way. In the end there is a murder that one of the police men try to from Vargases wife for and Vargas gets the cop to admit it on tape.

This movie was slightly hard for me to follow and i did not enjoy it as much as the other Film Noir movies we watched. I don't think each character was developed enough for me to be able to tell them apart once they were all together. The scenes were somewhat chaotic for me to distinguish. However, the final scene with Vargas. and Quinlan did pull the whole movie together. The intense dialogue pulled the theme of the entire movie together.

The use of low camera angles accented Orson Wells. Showing him at this angle made him look bigger then life and in this movie he played a character that pretty much could not be touched. No matter what he did, how corrupt nothing would effect him. In addition this most of the movie was filmed rather dark The most important scenes were filmed at night, and the most important characters often had shadows cast on their faces. At first i found this really annoying however i realized it only enhanced the feel of the movie. The background of the whole movie was dark , police corruption is not an easy or light topic, and keeping the feel of the movie dark played on my emotions and i think it was a good choice and a successful decision

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The major difference i noticed while watching Monsoon Wedding in comparison to Casablanca was the language. Obviously there were subtitles but what i noticed is that sometimes they were not needed. Sometimes the subtitles were up while the characters were speaking english. Also, sometimes the character would start off a sentence speaking in indian and end it in English. I feel as if this was slightly sloppy, and i cannot say the same of Casablanca. Casablanca was very clean and precise. The actors costumes were clean, pressed and perfect, their hair was perfectly in place. The set was pristine and obvious that there was thought into it. Another thing i noticed about Monsoon wedding that was not the case for Casablanca were the camera angles. In Monsoon wedding, sometimes the camera views were awkward and cut off faces or parts of bodies or were off center

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monsoon wedding was a movie about a girl who had a wedding arranged for her by her father however she was still involved with her ex boyfriend. Eventually she meets her new husband to be and seems to be falling for him but wants to be honest with him so decides to tell him about her ex. He is angry at first but finally takes her back and they get married. Meanwhile the wedding planner and the servant end up falling in love and getting married too.
I liked the usage of traditional Indian color in this movie. I also liked that although it was a completely different different culture with different morals, values, expectations, and social norms however i could still relate to the character and her feelings for her ex. In addition to the feelings she had for her ex, the one relative snuck around with the one guy relative too. That is also something that remains constant in all cultures and makes it easy for viewers to understand.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Daughters of the dust was a movie about a family in Africa who wanted to move north.
I could not say that i enjoyed this movie. I thought the narrative was somewhat confusing along with the timing of everything. I could not tell how long the family was on the island, it seemed as if it had been a long time however they were wearing the same clothes the whole movie so it also seemed to me like it could have been a shorter amount of time. I didnt think the dialogue was clear enough for me to understand who was saying what to who.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Casablanca was a movie about a man named Rick who owned a cafe in Europe at first it seems to be about world war II and the nazi's trying to contain a freedom fighter, however there was a deeper story to it. Victor goes to Ricks cafe with his wife who happens to be Ricks first love. At first he is very bitter towards lisa however after much explanation she explains what really happened back in Paris. Rick forgives her and they plan to run off together but in the end he goes through with this whole plan that sends llsa and victor off with the letters of transit.
This movie was enjoyable to watch because it was entertaining and as soon as I found out llsa and Rick had history I was rooting for them to work it out when they finally did I was happy and it seemed like it was going to end perfectly. However when Rick goes through with his own plan i was disappointed at first however you realize it was the nobel thing to do and that it took alot of love in his heart for llsa and he wanted her to be happy. Although Rick as a character wasnt the most warm person it was still easy for me to easily like him as well.