Thursday, October 8, 2009

*I had to cool off for a few days before I wrote this.

Do the right thing was a movie highlighting racial prejudice and human morality. Mookie was an african american living in brooklyn working for an italian family owned restaurant. The movie was slow to start and mostly showed Mookie in his current life, his girlfriend, son, and job. It finally picked up at the end when an african american is killed by a police man as a response to a previous fight. This causes a riot and in turn the African Americans end up burning down the Italian shop.

The color effects in this movie was what hit me the most. The yellow tones and the warm feel of the hues in Do the right thing really put a realness to the portrayed heat. The way the light poured into the mans bedroom and right on his bed in the opening scene was effective to me because thats when i feel heat the most, sweating in bed.
The next thing that i thought was portrayed very well was the angle from which they showed Radio. By positioning the camera low and angling it up at him it gave the impression that he was giant and powerful and persuasive. This was important because of the end of the movie. His death seemed more drastic to such a minimal character.

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